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Microsoft office 2010 introductory pdf free.Microsoft Office 2010 : introductory


Pick your Excel task, find it fast, and get it done with Just the Steps! If you want to see how to do a particular Excel task, this is the perfect book. Each page includes step-by-step instruction in one column and illustrations and screenshots in the other column, so you.

Provides information on the features and functions of Microsoft Excel and how to use Excel for financial management of a small to medial business. Get Source Fall Books now! Case-based tutorials challenge students to apply what they are learning to real-life tasks, preparing them to easily transfer skills to new. Microsoft rolled out several new. Management Science provides a comprehensive, accessible overview of the subject, incorporating a broad set of approaches and tools. The authors explore both 'soft' and 'hard' methodologies and highlight conceptual aspects rather than the mathematics of the techniques or computer methods.

The book is therefore suitable for students and readers with. Foraminiferal cultures now serve as tools for researching biological, environmental, and geological topics. However, the biological backgrounds, in particular the natural histories of foraminifera, largely remain unclear. It is also true that the different techniques used in different subdisciplines are a setback to fully understanding the subject.

Double-click program icon on desktop, if one is present 3. Display Start menu, type program name in search box, click program name 2. Click program name in left pane of Start menu, if present 4. Double-click file created using program you want to start Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc.

One method of displaying the entire contents of a window is to maximize it, or enlarge the window so that it fills the entire screen. Maximize button changed to Restore Down button What happened to the Maximize button? How do I know whether a window is maximized? Figure 10 A window is maximized if it fills the entire display area and the Restore Down button is displayed on the title bar.

Double-click title bar 2. Drag title bar to top of screen The Word Document Window, Ribbon, and Elements Common to Office Programs The Word window consists of a variety of components to make your work more efficient and documents more professional. Most of these components are common to other Microsoft Office programs; others are unique to Word.

You view a portion of a document on the screen through a document window Figure The default preset view is Print Layout view, which shows the document on a mock sheet of paper in the document window. Scroll Bars You use a scroll bar to display different portions of a document in the document window. At the right edge of the document window is a vertical scroll bar.

If a document is too wide to fit in the document window, a horizontal scroll bar also appears at the bottom of the document window. On a scroll bar, the position of the scroll box reflects the location of the portion of the document that is displayed in the document window. As you type text or perform certain tasks, various indicators and buttons may appear on the status bar.

The left side of the status bar in Figure 11 shows the current page followed by the total number of pages in the document, the number of words in the document, and an icon to check spelling and grammar.

The right side of the status bar includes buttons and controls you can use to change the view of a document and adjust the size of the displayed document. The Ribbon provides easy, central access to the tasks you perform while creating a document. The Ribbon consists of tabs, groups, and commands. Each tab contains a collection of groups, and each group contains related functions.

When you start an Office program, such as Word, it initially displays several main tabs, also called default tabs. All Office programs have a Home tab, which contains the more frequently used commands. In addition to the main tabs, Office programs display tool tabs, also called contextual tabs Figure 13 , when you perform certain tasks or work with objects such as pictures or tables. If you insert a picture in a Word document, for example, the Picture Tools tab and its related subordinate Format tab appear, collectively referred to as the Picture Tools Format tab.

When you are finished working with the picture, the Picture Tools Format tab disappears from the Ribbon. Word and other Office programs determine when tool tabs should appear and disappear based on tasks you perform. Some tool tabs, such as the Table Tools tab, have more than one related subordinate tab. Items on the Ribbon include buttons, boxes text boxes, check boxes, etc. A gallery is a set of choices, often graphical, arranged in a grid or in a list.

Home tab main tabs text box button arrow in-Ribbon gallery gallery scroll arrows Ribbon More button button groups Figure 12 Some buttons and boxes have arrows that, when clicked, also display a gallery; others always cause a gallery to be displayed when clicked. Most galleries support live preview, which is a feature that allows you to point to a gallery choice and see its effect in the document — without actually selecting the choice Figure Picture Tools Format tab is one of many tool tabs that appear automatically depending on tasks you perform as you move mouse pointer from one gallery option to next, Word shows preview of style in document, so that you can see effect of option in document before selecting it picture changes to Metal Frame as you point to that style in gallery Figure 13 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc.

Some commands on the Ribbon display an image to help you remember their function. When you point to a command on the Ribbon, all or part of the command glows in shades of yellow and orange, and an Enhanced ScreenTip appears on the screen. An Enhanced ScreenTip is an on-screen note that provides the name of the command, available keyboard shortcut s , a description of the command, and sometimes instructions for how to obtain help about the command Figure Enhanced ScreenTips are more detailed than a typical ScreenTip, which usually displays only the name of the command.

Some groups on the Ribbon have a small arrow in the lower-right corner, called a Dialog Box Launcher, that when clicked, displays a dialog box or a task pane with additional options for the group Figure When presented with a dialog box, you make selections and must close the dialog box before returning to the document. A task pane, in contrast to a dialog box, is a window that can remain open and visible while you work in the document.

Quick Access Toolbar image of clipboard helps to identify Paste button mouse pointer on Paste button arrow Enhanced ScreenTip for Paste button arrow Figure 14 clicking Paragraph Dialog Box Launcher displays Paragraph dialog box BTW Mini Toolbar The Mini clicking Clipboard Dialog Box Launcher displays toolbar, which appears Clipboard task pane automatically based on tasks you perform, contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document.

The purpose of the Mini toolbar is to minimize mouse movement. When the Mini toolbar appears, it initially is transparent Figure 16a. If you do not use the transparent Mini toolbar, it disappears from the screen. To use the Mini toolbar, move the mouse pointer into Figure 15 the toolbar, which causes the Mini toolbar to change from a transparent to bright appearance Figure 16b.

If you right-click an item in the document window, Word displays both the Mini toolbar and a shortcut menu, which is discussed in a later section in this chapter. The commands on the Quick Access Toolbar always are available, regardless of the task you are performing. The Quick Access Toolbar is discussed in more depth later in the chapter. KeyTips If you prefer using the keyboard instead of the mouse, you can press the alt key on the keyboard to display KeyTips, or keyboard code icons, for certain commands Figure To select a command using the keyboard, press the letter or number displayed in the KeyTip, which may cause additional KeyTips related to the selected command to appear.

To remove KeyTips from the screen, press the alt key or the esc key until all KeyTips disappear, or click the mouse anywhere in the program window. The tab currently displayed is called the active tab. The following step displays the Insert tab, that is, makes it the active tab. When you are finished, click the Insert tab to redisplay the Insert tab. Insert tab has seven groups Figure 18 Follow this same procedure; that is, click the desired tab on the Ribbon.

To Minimize, Display, and Restore the Ribbon To display more of a document or other item in the window of an Office program, some users prefer to minimize the Ribbon, which hides the groups on the Ribbon and displays only the main tabs.

Each time you start an Office program, the Ribbon appears the same way it did the last time you used that Office program. The chapters in this book, however, begin with the Ribbon appearing as it did at the initial installation of the software. The following steps minimize, display, and restore the Ribbon in an Office program. Ribbon has been minimized What happened to the groups on the Ribbon?

When you minimize the Ribbon, the groups disappear so that the Ribbon does not take up as much space on the screen. Why would I click the Home tab? If you want to use a command on a minimized Ribbon, click the main tab to display the groups for that tab. After you select a command on the Ribbon, the groups will be hidden Figure 20 once again.

If you decide not to use a command on the Ribbon, you can hide the groups by clicking the same main tab or clicking in the program window. Double-click Home on the Ribbon 2. A shortcut menu is a list of frequently used commands that relate to the right-clicked object.

When you right-click a scroll bar, for example, a shortcut menu appears with commands related to the scroll bar. When you right-click the Quick Access Toolbar, a shortcut menu appears with commands related to the Quick Access Toolbar. You can use shortcut menus to access common commands quickly. The following steps use a shortcut menu to move the Quick Access Toolbar, which by default is located on the title bar.

You can customize the Quick Access Toolbar by changing its location in the window, as shown in the previous steps, and by adding more buttons to reflect commands you would like to access easily. Which commands are listed on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar menu?

What do the check marks next to some commands signify? When you add a button to the Quick Access Toolbar, a check mark will be displayed next to its command name. How would I remove a button from the Quick Access Toolbar? You would right-click the button you wish to remove and then click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar on the shortcut menu.

Figure 25 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc. By default, Word positions text at the left margin as you type. To begin creating a flyer, for example, you type the headline in the document window. The following steps type this first line of text, a headline, in a document. What is the blinking vertical bar to the right of the text? It indicates where text, graphics, and other items will be inserted in the document. As you type, the insertion point moves to the right, and when you reach the end of a line, it moves downward to the beginning of the next line.

Why did blank space appear between the entered text and the insertion point? BTW While you are creating a document, the computer stores it in memory. When you save a document, the computer places it on a storage medium such as a hard disk, USB flash drive, or optical disc.

A saved document is referred to as a file. A file name is the name assigned to a file when it is saved. It is important to save a document frequently for the following reasons: File Type Depending on your Windows 7 settings, the file type. The file type. For more information, read Appendix C. When saving files, you should organize them so that you easily can find them later. Windows 7 provides tools to help you organize files. Organizing Files and Folders A file contains data.

This data can range from a research paper to an accounting spreadsheet to an electronic math quiz. You should organize and store these files in folders to avoid misplacing a file and to help you find a file quickly. If you are a freshman taking an introductory computer class CIS , for example , you may want to design a series of folders for the different subjects covered in the class.

To accomplish this, you can arrange the folders in a hierarchy for the class, as shown in Figure The first level contains the storage device, in this case a USB flash drive. Windows 7 identifies the storage device with a letter, and, in some cases, a name. The second level contains the class folder CIS , in this case , and the third level contains seven folders, one each for a different Office program that will be covered in the class Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, Outlook, Publisher, and OneNote.

In addition, this hierarchy easily can be expanded to include folders from other classes taken during additional semesters. The vertical and horizontal lines in Figure 28 form a pathway that allows you to navigate to a drive or folder on a computer or network. A path consists of a drive letter preceded by a drive name when necessary and colon, to identify the storage device, and one or more folder names. Each drive or folder in the hierarchy has a corresponding path.

Create the folder identifying your class. Create the Word folder in the folder identifying your class. Save a file in the Word folder. Verify the location of the saved file. To Create a Folder When you create a folder, such as the CIS folder shown in Figure 28 on the previous page, you must name the folder. A folder name should describe the folder and its contents. The same rules for naming folders also apply to naming files. Why does the AutoPlay window not open? Instead, they might display the contents of the USB flash drive automatically, or you might need to access contents of the USB flash drive using the Computer window.

The AutoPlay window that opens on your computer might display different options. The type of USB flash drive, its contents, and the next available drive letter on your computer all will determine which options are displayed in the AutoPlay window. The name and drive letter of your USB flash drive probably will be different. Why is the folder icon displayed differently on my computer? Figure 31 Windows might be configured to display contents differently on your computer.

Recall that a folder is a specific named location on a storage medium that contains related files. Most users rely on folder windows for finding, viewing, and managing information on their computer. Folder windows have common design elements, including the following Figure The arrows on the Address bar allow you to visit different locations on the computer. Other buttons allow you to specify the size of the window.

You can type a term in the search box for a list of files, folders, shortcuts, and elements containing that term within the location you are searching. A shortcut is an icon on the desktop that provides a user with immediate access to a program or file.

By default, this list contains only links to your Desktop, Downloads, and Recent Places. A library helps you manage multiple folders and files stored in various locations on a computer. It does not store the files and folders; rather, it displays links to them so that you can access them quickly.

For example, you can save pictures from a digital camera in any folder on any storage location on a computer. Normally, this would make organizing the different folders difficult; however, if you add the folders to a library, you can access all the pictures from one location regardless of where they are stored.

To Create a Folder within a Folder With the class folder created, you can create folders that will store the files you create using each Office program. The following steps create a Word folder in the CIS folder or the folder identifying your class. You might want to expand a drive in the navigation pane to view its contents, scroll through its contents, and collapse it when you are finished viewing its contents.

When a folder is expanded, it lists all the folders it contains. By contrast, a collapsed folder does not list the folders it contains. The following steps expand, scroll through, and then collapse the folder identifying your class CIS , in this case.

Why are the subject folders indented below the CIS folder in the navigation pane? Why did a scroll bar appear in the navigation pane? When all contents cannot fit in a window or pane, a scroll bar appears. As described earlier, you can view areas currently not visible by 1 clicking the scroll arrows, 2 clicking above or below the scroll bar, and 3 dragging the scroll box.

Point in navigation pane to display arrows, click white arrow to expand or click black arrow to collapse 2. Figure 36 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc. To Switch from One Program to Another The next step is to save the Word file containing the headline you typed earlier.

Word, however, currently is not the active window. You can use the program button on the taskbar and live preview to switch to Word and then save the document in the Word document window. If Windows Aero is active on your computer, Windows displays a live preview window whenever you move your mouse on a button or click a button on the taskbar.

If Aero is not supported or enabled on your computer, you will see a window title instead of a live preview. The steps below use the Word program; however, the steps are the same for any active Office program currently displayed as a program button on the taskbar. The following steps switch to the Word window. If Aero is enabled on your computer, click the desired live preview. If Aero is not supported or not enabled, click the window title. To Save a File in a Folder Now that you have created the folders for storing files, you can save the Word document.

Why does a file name already appear in the File name text box? Word automatically navigation pane your list suggests a file name may differ the first time you save a document. The file name normally consists of the first few words contained in the document. Because the suggested file name is selected, you do not need to delete it; as soon as you begin typing, the new file name replaces the selected text.

Do not press the ENTER key after typing the file name because you do not want to close the dialog box at this time Figure What characters can I use in a file name? Figure 40 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc.

What if I do not want to save in a folder? Although storing files in folders is an effective technique for organizing files, some users prefer not to store files in folders. If you prefer not to save this file in a folder, skip all instructions in Step 3c and proceed to Step 4.

While an Office program is saving a file, it briefly displays a message on the status bar indicating the amount of the file saved. In addition, the USB flash drive may have a light that flashes during the save process. Figure 42 Other Ways 1. Click File on Ribbon, click Save, type file name, navigate to desired save location, click Save button 2. While saving the Koala Exhibit file, for example, Steps 3a — 3c in the previous set of steps navigated to the Word folder located in the CIS folder.

When performing certain functions in Windows programs, such as saving a file, opening a file, or inserting a picture in an existing document, you most likely will have to navigate to the location where you want to save the file or to the folder containing the file you want to open or insert. Most dialog boxes in Windows programs requiring navigation follow a similar procedure; that is, the way you navigate to a folder in one dialog box, such as the Save As dialog box, is similar to how you might navigate in another dialog box, such as the Open dialog box.

If you chose to navigate to a specific location in a dialog box, you would follow the instructions in Steps 3a — 3c on pages OFF 28 and OFF To Minimize and Restore a Window Before continuing, you can verify that the Word file was saved properly. To do this, you will minimize the Word window and then open the USB flash drive window so that you can verify the file is stored on the USB flash drive.

In the following example, Word is used to illustrate minimizing and restoring windows; however, you would follow the same steps regardless of the Office program you are using. The following steps minimize the Word window, verify that the file is saved, and then restore the minimized window. Is the minimized window still available?

The minimized window, Word in this case, remains available but no longer is the active window. It is minimized as a program button on the taskbar. The button changes to reflect the status of the folder window in this case, the USB flash drive window. A selected button indicates that the folder window is active on the screen.

When the button is not selected, the window is open but not active. Right-click title bar, click Minimize on shortcut menu, click taskbar button in taskbar button area 2. When you increase the screen resolution, Windows displays more information on the screen, but the information decreases in size.

The reverse also is true: as you decrease the screen resolution, Windows displays less information on the screen, but the information increases in size. Changing the screen resolution affects how the Ribbon appears in Office programs.

All of the same commands are available regardless of screen resolution. Word, however, makes changes to the groups and the buttons within the groups to accommodate the various screen resolutions. The result is that certain commands may need to be accessed differently depending on the resolution chosen.

A command that is visible on the Ribbon and available by clicking a button at one resolution may not be visible and may need to be accessed using its Dialog Box Launcher at a different resolution. Comparing the two Ribbons in Figure 45, notice the changes in content and layout of the groups and galleries. In some cases, the content of a group is the same in each resolution, but the layout of the group differs. For example, the same gallery and buttons appear in the Styles groups in the two resolutions, but the layouts differ.

In other cases, the content and layout are the same across the resolution, but the level of detail differs with the resolution. At the lower resolution, only the buttons appear. Keep in mind that many computer labs prevent users from changing the screen resolution; in that case, read the following steps for illustration purposes. What is a slider? A slider is an object that allows users to choose from multiple predetermined options.

In most cases, these options represent some type of numeric value. In most cases, one end of the slider usually the left or bottom represents the lowest of available values, and the opposite end usually the right or top represents the highest available value.

Why does a message display stating that the image quality can be improved? Figure 49 Some computer monitors are designed to display contents better at a certain screen resolution, sometimes referred to as an optimal resolution. To Quit an Office Program with One Document Open When you quit an Office program, such as Word, if you have made changes to a file since the last time the file was saved, the Office program displays a dialog box asking if you want save the changes you made to the file before it closes the program window.

If no changes have been made to an open document since the last time the file was saved, the Office program will close the window without displaying a dialog box.

The following steps quit an Office program. In the following example, Word is used to illustrate quitting an Office program; however, you would follow the same steps regardless of the Office program you were using. What is the Backstage view? Figure 50 You would click the Close button for each open document.

As an alternative, you could click File on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view and then click Exit in the Backstage view to close all open documents and quit the Office program. The Backstage view contains a set of commands that enable you to manage documents and data about the documents.

The Backstage view is discussed in more depth later in this chapter. To resume at a later time, continue to follow the steps from this location forward. Additional Microsoft Office Programs The previous section used Word to illustrate common features of Office and some basic elements unique to Word. The following sections present elements unique to PowerPoint, Excel, and Access, as well as illustrate additional common features of Office.

In the following pages, you will learn how to do the following: 1. Start an Office program PowerPoint using the search box. Create two small documents in the same Office program PowerPoint. Close one of the documents. Reopen the document just closed. Create a document in a different Office program Excel. Save the document with a new file name.

Create a file in a different Office program Access. Close the file and then open the file. PowerPoint PowerPoint is a complete presentation program that allows you to produce professional-looking presentations Figure A PowerPoint presentation also is called a slide show.

PowerPoint contains several features to simplify creating a slide show. To make presentations more impressive, you can add diagrams, tables, pictures, video, sound, and animation effects.

You also can import outlines from Microsoft Word or other word processing programs, including single-level and multilevel lists. Then, customize and add effects to the diagrams, and arrange these objects by sizing, scaling, and rotating them. The Microsoft Clip Organizer, included with Office programs, contains hundreds of media files, including pictures, sounds, and movies. You can publish your slide show to the Internet or to an intranet.

Ask them to review the slides and then insert comments that offer suggestions to enhance the presentation. You may need to ask your instructor how to start programs for your computer. No, just enough of it for the program name to appear on the Start menu. The PowerPoint window consists of a variety of components to make your work more efficient and documents more professional: the window, Ribbon, Mini toolbar, shortcut menus, and Quick Access Toolbar.

Many of these components are common to other Office programs and have been discussed earlier in this chapter. Other components, discussed in the following paragraphs and later in subsequent chapters, are unique to PowerPoint. The basic unit of a PowerPoint presentation is a slide. A slide may contain text and objects, such as graphics, tables, charts, and drawings.

Layouts are used to position this content on the slide. When you create a new presentation, the default Title Slide layout appears Figure The purpose of this layout is to introduce the presentation to the audience. PowerPoint includes eight other built-in standard layouts. The default slide layouts are set up in landscape orientation, where the slide width is greater than its height.

In landscape orientation, the slide size is preset to 10 inches wide and 7. To change the orientation to portrait, click the Slide Orientation button Design tab Page Setup group and then click Portrait. You can use both landscape and portrait orientation in the same slide show. Slide pane Slides tab scroll box mouse pointer text typed in title and subtitle placeholders scroll bar scroll arrow splitter bar notes pane total number of slides Previous Slide button Normal view is default view Document theme identifier Next Slide button status bar Figure 54 Placeholders Placeholders are boxes with dotted or hatch-marked borders that are displayed when you create a new slide.

All layouts except the Blank slide layout contain placeholders. Depending on the particular slide layout selected, title and subtitle placeholders are displayed for the slide title and subtitle; a content text placeholder is displayed for text, art, or a table, chart, picture, graphic, or movie.

The title slide in Figure 53 has two text placeholders for the main heading, or title, of a new slide and the subtitle.

To Enter Content in a Title Slide With the exception of a blank slide and a slide with a picture and caption, PowerPoint assumes every new slide has a title. To make creating a presentation easier, any text you type after a new slide appears becomes title text in the title text placeholder. As you begin typing text in the title text placeholder, the title text also is displayed in the Slide 1 thumbnail in the Slides tab.

The presentation title for this presentation is Xanada Investments. The following steps enter a presentation title on the title slide. What are the white squares and circles that appear around the title text placeholder as I type the presentation title? Sizing handles also can be found around other placeholders and objects within a presentation. Figure 56 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc. Do not press the ENTER key after typing the file name because you do not want to close the dialog box at this time.

For specific instructions, perform the tasks in Steps 3a through 3g. To Create a New Office Document from the Backstage View As discussed earlier, the Backstage view contains a set of commands that enable you to manage documents and data about the documents.

From the Backstage view in PowerPoint, for example, you can create, open, print, and save presentations. You also can share documents, manage versions, set permissions, and modify document properties.

In other Office programs, the Backstage view may contain features specific to those programs. The steps on the following pages create a file, a blank presentation in this case, from the Backstage view. What is the purpose of the File tab?

Can I create documents through the Backstage view in other Office programs? New gallery Create button New tab Yes. If the Office program has a New tab in the Backstage view, the New gallery displays various options for creating a new file.

Figure 58 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc. Save button 1 Click the title text placeholder shown in Figure 59 to select it. You also may want to close a file when you are finished working with it so that you can begin a new file.

The following steps close the current active Office file, that is, the Koala Exhibit Gala presentation, without quitting the active program PowerPoint in this case.

Close command What if the Office program displays a dialog box about saving? Figure 61 Copyright Cengage Learning, Inc.

You may have more changes to make such as adding more content or correcting errors. The Backstage view allows you to access recent files easily. The following steps reopen the Koala Exhibit Gala file just closed. Yes, as long as the file name appears in the list of recent files in the Recent gallery.

Exit command Figure 62 Other Ways 1. Click Start button, point to program name, click file name on submenu 2. Thus, you should quit this Office program. The following steps quit PowerPoint.

Inside the workbook are sheets, each of which is called a worksheet. In other words, a workbook is a collection of worksheets. Worksheets allow users to enter, calculate, manipulate, and analyze data such as numbers and text.

The terms worksheet and spreadsheet are interchangeable. For example, once a user enters data into a worksheet, an Excel table can sort the data, search for specific data, and select data that satisfies defined criteria.

Excel Web support also provides access to real-time data, such as stock quotes, using Web queries. The following steps use Windows Explorer to create a blank Excel document. Another way start an Office program is to open an existing file from Windows Explorer, which causes the program in which the file was created to start and then open the selected file.

The following steps, which assume Windows 7 is running, use Windows Explorer to start the Excel Office program based on a typical installation. Yes, you can use any method of starting an Office program to start Excel. The Formulas and Data tabs are specific to Excel. The Formulas tab allows you to work with Excel formulas, and the Data tab allows you to work with data processing features such as importing and sorting data.

BTW The Worksheet The worksheet is organized into a rectangular grid containing vertical columns and horizontal rows. A column letter above the grid, also called the column heading, identifies each column. A row number on the left side of the grid, also called the row heading, identifies each row.

The intersection of each column and row is a cell. A cell is the basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data. Each worksheet in a workbook has 16, columns and 1,, rows for a total of 17,,, cells. Only a small fraction of the active worksheet appears on the screen at one time. A cell is referred to by its unique address, or cell reference, which is the coordinates of the intersection of a column and a row.

To identify a cell, specify the column letter first, followed by the row number. For example, cell reference E2 refers to the cell located at the intersection of column E and row 2 Figure One cell on the worksheet, designated the active cell, is the one into which you can enter data. The active cell in Figure 68 is A1.

The active cell is identified in three ways. First, a heavy border surrounds the cell; second, the active cell reference shows immediately above column A in the Name box; and third, the column heading A and row heading 1 are highlighted so it is easy to see which cell is active Figure The horizontal and vertical lines on the worksheet itself are called gridlines.

Gridlines make it easier to see and identify each cell in the worksheet. If desired, you can turn the gridlines off so that they do not show on the worksheet, but it is recommended that you leave them on for now. The mouse pointer in Figure 68 has the shape of a block plus sign.

The mouse pointer appears as a block plus sign whenever it is located in a cell on the worksheet. Another common shape of the mouse pointer is the block arrow. The mouse pointer turns into the block arrow when you move it outside the worksheet or when you drag cell contents between rows or columns. The other mouse pointer shapes are described when they appear on the screen.

The Worksheet Size and Window The 16, columns and 1,, rows in Excel make for a huge worksheet that — if you could imagine — takes up the entire side of a building to display in its entirety. Your computer screen, by comparison, is a small window that allows you to view only a minute area of the worksheet at one time. While you cannot see the entire worksheet, you can move the window over the worksheet to view any part of it.

BTW The Excel window consists of a variety of components to make your work more efficient and worksheets more professional. These include the document window, Ribbon, Mini toolbar and shortcut menus, Quick Access Toolbar, and the Backstage view.

Some of these components are common to other Microsoft Office programs; others are unique to Excel. Excel opens a new workbook with three worksheets. If necessary, you can add additional worksheets as long as your computer has enough memory to accommodate them. Each worksheet has a sheet name that appears on a sheet tab at the bottom of the workbook.

For example, Sheet1 is the name of the active worksheet displayed in the Brain Busters workbook. If you click the sheet tab labeled Sheet2, Excel displays the Sheet2 worksheet. Customizing the Ribbon In addition to customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, you can add items to and remove items from the Ribbon. To customize the Ribbon, click File on the Ribbon to open the Backstage view, click Options in the Backstage view, and then click Customize Ribbon in the left pane of the Options dialog box.

Gary B. Shelly wrote and published his first computer education textbook in More than twenty million copies of Shelly Cashman Series' textbooks have been sold. Gary and a talented group of contributing authors have produced books on computer programming, computer concepts, and application software that are the leading textbooks in the computer technology market today. Gary has hosted the annual Shelly Cashman Institute, a week-long training event focusing on the latest topics in technology, for the past 34 years.

Misty E. Vermaat has more than 25 years of experience in the field of computer and information technology. In addition to consulting in the field, she was an Associate Professor at Purdue University Calumet, teaching or developing Microsoft Office, computer concepts, database management, systems analysis and design, and programming courses.



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The authors explore both 'soft' and 'hard' methodologies and highlight conceptual aspects rather than the mathematics of the techniques or computer methods. The book is therefore suitable for students and readers with. Foraminiferal cultures now serve as tools for researching biological, environmental, itnroductory geological topics.

However, the biological backgrounds, in particular the natural histories of foraminifera, largely remain unclear. It is also true that the different techniques used in different subdisciplines are a setback to fully understanding the subject. Taken together, these. What you need, when you need it! Need answers quickly? Microsoft Excel on Demand provides those answers in a visual step-by-step format. We will show you exactly what to do through lots of full color illustrations and easy-to-follow instructions.

This textbook provides an introduction to digital forensics, a rapidly evolving field for solving crimes. Each theoretical or. Your Office is по ссылке for introductory computer courses on Microsoft Office or courses in computer concepts with a lab component for Microsoft.

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